Upon entry to the building, a face mask will be required. Forehead temperatures will be administered and recorded to receive service.

Our programs require most face-to-face interaction. Prior to entering classes, you are required to complete a self-assessment for the health and safety of your fellow students and staff. If you have symptoms, you may not come to class. Please reach out to your instructor to keep them informed. Here is guidance if you have symptoms:

Before returning to Medical Careers Readiness, students who reported having, or have been diagnosed as having, a contagious disease must be free of all symptoms of the disease for at least fourteen days since the date of the first report or diagnosis, or as otherwise recommended by a healthcare provider, CDC, or other public health officials. MCR will require students to provide written documentation from a healthcare provider or local health department that the student may return to school safely unless state officials advise agencies to not make such requests, in which case students may return after the appropriate period as established by the public health officials.

Students have a responsibility to stay in contact with staff/ instructors regarding their absence and missed class assignments and should contact the Executive Director if they have any difficulties or concerns. The MCR will provide reasonable accommodations as requested and required by law.

Travel Considerations
The CDC maintains a Travel Information website related to COVID-19 and specifically recommends avoiding all nonessential travel to countries at Warning Level 3. Note that these ratings can change rapidly. We urge students, faculty, and staff who have personal or professional plans to travel either internationally or to affected areas in the U.S. to reconsider their travel. In doing so, we ask each of you to consider the possibility of travel delays, future quarantines, or prolonged self-isolation when returning from travel to our Hampton Roads communities.

If you have travel insurance, you should closely review your plan to assure it does not exclude epidemics/pandemics in the case of a necessary medical evacuation and/or unannounced mandatory quarantine. We strongly encourage students, and staff to share any travel plans with your professor/instructor, or Executive Director in order to support Medical Careers Readiness situational awareness and/or offer assistance, as appropriate, if the need arises.

Learn More About COVID-19: